Wednesday, July 08, 2009

So some of you may know that I've started running with a good friend of mine. We've started doing a program called "couch to 5K" It's cool 'cuz it gradually (yeah right) gets you running a 5K in about 9 weeks. I was doing really good up until this point. I'm at week 4 now and had to run for 5 minutes at a time. What the heck??!! I thought I was going to die. Thankfully on my last 5 minute cycle (yes, I had to do it more than once) Dylan started crying and needed me to hold him. It was the perfect excuse to quit. So, I guess I only ran 4 minutes the last time. My friend wanted me to make it up by running up and down the stairs at the track. Luckily Dylan still needed me so I had to walk them. I mean seriously. I'm waiting for my runners high, so far all I have is shin splints.

Tiesha, someday maybe you'll come back to my blog. I look for your comment everyday. Just want you to know that.... ;)

1 comment:

TSHAA said...

HAHA! I read these in order from your first recent one to this one. I'm here and now you have three comments from me. Now, the pressure is on because I will keep checking! And, BTW you did GREAT yesterday! :)