Monday, May 19, 2008

It's the little things......

When I was about to have Dylan one of my major dramas (little things can become very dramatic when you're me and pregnant...) was what type of stroller to get. I don't use an infant seat, so I needed one that would lay flat for a newborn. I was pretty sure that Chase would still want to be in a stroller (he will still sit and nap in the stroller) so I needed a double stroller, and I needed one that would fit into the trunk of my car which is not very big. What I ended up with was the Zooper Tango which is a side by side double stroller. It is a great stroller, it steers well and is really well made. It came with all sorts of covers and it was a manly navy since I had both boys. Oh, and it was pretty much the only double stroller that fit in my trunk..... I loved it last summer, we took it for walks almost every day. Then came the rainy season..... and walks indoors... and then I realized, this stroller blows. It was such a hassle to try and maneuver it between aisles in the mall or the grocery store. And forget about looking at the clothes in Target... so finally I got a sit 'n stand stroller. You really can't appreciate how nice a single wide stroller is until you push around a double wide for awhile! I love my new stroller and Chase loves it too. Once in awhile I feel bad because he wants to sleep so he'll kneel on the platform (where his feet go) and then lean over the seat and sleep. That's kind of sad but it doesn't happen often anymore and I try and plan trips around times that I know Chase will be tired. But, that stroller pretty much makes my day every time I get it out. It barely fits in my trunk, I have to keep the front tray off for it to fit but the hassle of taking it off and on every time is worth it! Oh, and in case you're looking for a double wide stroller, I'm selling one and it's in excellent shape!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

What the???!

I know, even though my computer has been fixed for a few weeks, I still haven't posted in awhile. I have a good excuse though, I started a new job and have been pretty busy with training on crazy shifts and stuff. Our life will hopefully be back to normal in a few weeks. I should be working mainly swing and weekend shifts, this past few weeks I've done day and graves. Graveyard sucks, by the way. A few weeks ago I had to take Chase to the dentist. It was his first appointment and I wasn't sure how he would do. Those of you who know Chase know that he has personal space issues! I took him to the dentist that Morgan and I go to and Chase did great! They were very good with him and showed him the tools before putting them in his mouth and stuff. Chase made it through most of the cleaning before he decided he was done so they quite. Here are are a few pictures.....

Checking out the air blower and getting teeth cleaned....
Dr. T. checking out the teeth and a picture of the thee of us when it was all over!