Monday, April 03, 2006

Okay, I started this blog so that friends and family who don't live near us can see pictures of Chase and read about our lives. So far, I've gotten stuck trying to make my fonts prettier and making the name show up as Courtney and Morgan. I've spent so much time doing this that I don't have any pictures up and no time to do so or write about our lives because Chase is up from his nap and now I have to go get him. Mabye someday this blog will get a little more interesting!!


Anonymous said...

Way to go Courtney! Didn't think you would do this. Can't wait to see what comes next!

Anonymous said...

You crack me up! I love this idea!!!:) I can't wait to read more and to see pictures of Bubby!!
I love you guys! Kisses to Chase!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Courtney you are the best person ever. You are so sweet and lovely. I really like you a lot. Will you be my friend? Please. Pretty please?? Don't make me beg.

Courtney said...

Don't worry, I won't make you beg, I understand completely why you'd want to be my friend so badly!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are so understanding. My knees have been giving me fits lately so it gives me great relief to know that I will not have to be on them begging for your friendship. :) You should consider yourself a saint for reaching out to us "lowly" ones! I am ever grateful! ;)

Anonymous said...

He's pretty darn cute! I just love his fashion statements--obviously he gets his fashion sense from his Mom!! Luv ya!!