Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Some of you know this but I have decided to try and quit swearing
(Morgan is still trying to decide ;) for two reasons. The first being
that since Chase is starting to talk we don't want some of his favorite
words to be swear words and the second being our faith. It's really
difficult for me because I have been swearing for so long and a lot of
my words or phrases were really funny! Also, sometimes certain
situations just don't feel right unless you have a swear word attached
to it. I have a friend who wrote this for his blog and shared it with me
and it's really good (thanks Scott!!) so I'm posting it on Morgans and
my blog.

Does Jesus care if we Cuss?

So, this seems to be a HOT TOPIC now-a-days. Everyone has to
validate "why" they use cuss words....even the so called Perfect
Christians.....that's an oxy moron if I've ever heard one.

I will agree that there are some words that make me cringe and

then there are some I pay no mind to when others use them, and
sometimes - honestly - there is just no better word to describe the
situation or feeling we may be in "at the moment."

So I went online and googled "The History of Cuss Words" and the
articles I found were endless. So I have attached some of the links
for you to look @ and I will let you decide what YOU think!

Does Jesus care if we Cuss?

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Things that my son loves to do:
he loves to say no. to everything. seriously, everything.
he loves to chase the dogs around the house with his stroller and run into them.
he loves wearing hats, especially his daddy's hats.

Things that my son doesn't like:
he doesn't like to be shown how to do stuff, like figuring out toys and eating...
he doesn't like water (makes bath time fun)
and he clearly doesn't like the swing

Monday, April 03, 2006

Okay, I started this blog so that friends and family who don't live near us can see pictures of Chase and read about our lives. So far, I've gotten stuck trying to make my fonts prettier and making the name show up as Courtney and Morgan. I've spent so much time doing this that I don't have any pictures up and no time to do so or write about our lives because Chase is up from his nap and now I have to go get him. Mabye someday this blog will get a little more interesting!!