Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know, okay! Hey, I already admitted that I suck at this kind of stuff and besides, I'm really busy. I do things like, um, I read and I'm raising a child, and sometimes I cook for Morgan. See, I don't always have time to update my blog, I'm a very busy girl. Here's what I'm going to do though, I'm going to try and think of all the updates on Chase that I can and I'm going to post a lot of pictures and that way, you people should be satisfied for awhile. Because let's face it, I'm not going to be updating for awhile, we'll be lucky if I get Christmas stuff on here...... Okay, here goes:
Chase will finally get into water!

That was exciting news. He wouldn't take a bath or go swimming. Showering with him was kind of a pain. I can thank my friend Heather for the water progress. Chase and I were over at her house and LJ (her son) loves to swim and had a little pool. Well, apparently it looked like fun when LJ was in the water so Chase decided to play with him and ever since he's totally been into it. Sweet.
Let's see, what else..... well, obviously Chase turned two. I'll put a few b-day pictures on here (I think I promised to do that already) of his party because to be honest, I rocked it this year. It was all about construction and trucks and I did find the best decorations. I even made a dirt cake with gummy worms in it and stuff and put it in the back of his dump truck--and not only that, but we used a shovel to scoop it out. I know, I told you, I totally rocked it this year. It's going to be hard to beat that... Chase's uncle Matt sent him some Tonka trucks for his b-day this year and one of them is so big that Chase can sit in it.

For awhile Chase and I were watching our friends baby
(Sidney) and Chase loved him. He still asks me every morning where the baby is. I guess Chase is ready for a baby brother or sister!!
Chase's Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Dwayne went to Chicago

and brought him back a t-shirt and fitted hat. It's pretty cute and he loves to wear the hat (see previous posting about Chase and hats).
The only other thing I can think of (that's semi interesting to people like grandparents and stuff) is that Chase is ready for a big boy bed. He loves beds. When we go to friends houses he is always climbing into their beds and snuggling

down. Last weekend we were at K-Mart and there was a bed set-up and he climbed in and got under the covers.
I think that's about it for now. We are going to L.A. in a couple weeks but don't look for those pictures for another year or so... ;)